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In a global world, worldwide and cultural experiences have become more important for companies. International skills combined with languages, experiences in different business cultures, and social codes are prerequisite for your employees. For customers to meet, and create long-term fruitful relationships. We let it go under the common term “international competence”.

Contact us for more information about our offers and different staffing solutions.


In today’s labour market, recruitment is an investment, and employees are becoming an increasingly important asset to the business. Finding the right candidates, ensuring that candidates meet the right skill requirements, and minimising the risk of a bad investment is difficult. But not for us, this is our area of expertise at MultiMind. MultiMind’s recruitment model makes our services the best in the market today and exudes: care, transparency, and hard work.

The process of finding the best person for the job can look different depending on the assignment, and the company. But with a large CV bank and network, as a staffing and recruitment company we always have a high level of proactivity in all processes. In addition, our recruitment process is diversity certified, which means that our approach actively and strategically strives for diversity from start to finish.

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

    Professional care

    Our candidates are treated in a professional manner, where confidentiality and quality are paramount. Whether it’s a direct recruitment, or a consultancy assignment. We guarantee guidance with continuous feedback at every stage of the
    recruitment process, both towards the client, and the candidate.

    Recruitment of managers and specialists

    With searching and headhunting, wide network, and certified recruitment consultants for: IPU, Cut-e and UPP tests. We are skilled in recruiting for heavier positions with a strong focus on managing multicultural teams. Always with a diversity perspective that creates a high level of competence, and cultural understanding.


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